Data analysis (and the a,i,s,c buttons)
Analysis of Data:
☼ Analysis>blocks and cutpoints will give you a quick and dirty way to see cut points- these are brokers.
☼ Analysis>k-cores will force the data into levels of connectedness where each k-core has more connections within its core than it does to rest of network. This is a way to get at clustering.
☼ Analysis> centrality self-explanatory. Values will show up in nodes pane.
☼ Analysis> structural holes. Constraint is the key measure of brokerage. Low means you are in more of a structural hole. Isolates are undefined.
☼ In node pane, if relevant, you can set the values to >, <, or = a given value. You can change views of data with “a,i,c,s”. These stand for all, inverse, step, and cumulative.